The greatest achievements where at first, and for sometime, dreams...

Thursday 13 May 2010

Things I'll miss...

"Fire up the Quattro!"
The title sequence
Getting really, really hyper over trailers, screenshots, spoilers, everything...

buying "Galex-y bars"
Seeing little pictures in television magazines and squealing with excitement in the shop
All the getting drunk in Luigi's
Alex's amazing outfits and make up and Keeley's skill at looking endlessly incredible
Those moments when you go WTF?! what?
Finding everything significant and looking for clues
How INSANE it really is
Gene's insults
Ray & Chris managing to find some innuendo in anything.
Getting new 80s songs for my iPod from each new episode
The pre and post episode Twitterfests
The Quattro screeching round corners
Shaz and "faaaab"
being genuinely scared of the clown (and Leyton)
Shaz and Chris and their weird but very cute ways
Galex moments. Enough said.
Gene's office door
Songs that will be linked with scenes in your head forever e.g. Vienna
Alex's white jacket
All the many, many arguments
That really cool, but also pretty hideous, black and white sofa of Alex's
Everytime Alex says something about the 21st century and they all think she's crazy
Downloading trailers and clips to my ipod to squee over for a week
TRA, the thread on the SICF, Ian Wylie's blogs
Amazing oneliners
Saying "sorry, i can't do anything on friday evening...ashes to ashes is on." "Well, RECORD it?!" "I...can't..."

looking out for Alex if the Blitz club appears in ANY tv show/film

i'm planning on adding to this... a LOT :)

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