The greatest achievements where at first, and for sometime, dreams...

Tuesday 10 November 2009

One book at a time... (or ten?)

"I'm conquering the book at a time." I don't know if that is a quotation, but it sounds like one ;)
I decided this summer I was going to read 365 books in 365 sounded nice saying it, but not long after I realised I was clearly insane. It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to read 365 books in 365 days. Sadly I reduced the number to 250... thinking about this would still mean I have to read more than book every two days. Possible, perhaps, but not for me right now...unless I never want to leave the house or turn on my computer or TV (just not possible when a new season of Spooks is airing I'm afraid...) So I'm going to get as near to 100 as I can. I'm not fussy about what type of book it is, I hope to read a mixture of children, teen and adult fiction and non-fiction. Sometimes I think "children's fiction" is far better than adult fiction.

Books about London. Books about Venice. Books about horses. Books about water. Books about books.

Some books I give up and cross off the list. Some I think look exciting, but then they lose their charm by the end of the first chapter (or page). Some books disappear down the side of my bed, unfinished and return months later!

Yes I was the kind of 10 year old who squidged into a corner of the school library instead of going out to play. And taught myself to read novels upside down :P

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