The greatest achievements where at first, and for sometime, dreams...

Saturday 2 January 2010


January ~ I turned eighteen. I retook my Chemistry unit and managed to get an unnaturally high UMS. How I do not know. But at least it was an improvement from my D! Jumped Dougal for the first time.
February ~ I moved to Kingston Riding Centre, and rode Jemima. Before my first group lesson I was terrified, and if wasn't for Amber I wouldn't have gone. And I would never be where I am now with my riding.
March ~ The Zac Era...17 Again premiere, craziest and wonderfulest night in Leicester Square EVER. This entire month was filled with watching the trailer, sighing over pictures of Zac and of course...a lot of upset and awkwardness and bother which resulted in me and my BFF becoming more inseperable than ever <3
April ~ The beginning of the end of school. Holiday to Sussex avec ma famille...
May ~ I officially finished school, we had a bouncy castle in the sixth form centre. Study leave for A-Levels. Not much study, but a lot of leave :)
June ~ Went to the Isle of Wight for my cousins' first wedding anniversary. Was pretty much a Malibu-drinking-fest, with a lot of happyyy times. Also prom me thinks? The less said about that the better ;P
July ~ Introduced my sister to the fun world of premieres. Except the Harry Potter one was not so fun seeing as though it was the most rain seen in years, all in about 4 hours. Soaked. Freezing. And screaming at Daniel Radcliffe. NOT my finest moment. He is a freak. Admit it, TT.
August ~ Cantering on the amazing end to the summer :)
September ~ The Month of Fun. Best month of the year wandering the Southbank, lunching in Hyde Park, eating noodles by the Thames, shopping in Oxford Street, watching Wicked, sitting by Buckinham Palace and generally having wonderful outings!
October ~ TT came back from Warwick and we celebrated in Starbucks. I went to the Isle of Wight again with my newly bought Nikon.
November ~ Went to see the Christmas lights in Oxford street and stood in the cold (gloveless *cough cough*) eating waffless...mmm
December ~ Christmas. MAOW in Kensington High Street avec snow. Christmas dinner @ Frankie and Benny's in a BOOTH. :D

All in all...this year has been amazing. My riding has improved. I have spent so many wonderful hours on Amelie & Ciel-Ciel outings. True friends made. Not so true friends...not so missed :L Roll on 2010 and all the new and great things to come! Happy new year everyone online who makes me so happy with their comments, good luck :) I'm sure all your dreams are just around the corner.

Song of the year:
It's all good, alright,
See ya later doesn't mean goodbye,
It ain't over, there's time to fly,
And we're just getting started,
Just getting started.
It's all good, alright,
The world is changing that is no surprise,
But that can't stop us, just let it fly,
'Cause we're just getting started.

Sorry for the length of this!